September 22, 2020 WATER BOARD, COUNTY OF HAWAI’I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Water Board of the County of Hawai’i will hold a public hearing on the Proposed Water Rates on Wednesday, October 21, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. In order to comply with the Governor’s 12th Proclamation Related to the COVID-19 Emergency, the public hearing will be held by Web Conferencing (Host Location: 345 Kekuanao’a Street, Suite 20, Hilo, Hawai’i). The public may view the meeting via live stream at Written Testimony: Anyone wishing to provide testimony may do so by email to, facsimile to (808) 961-8657, or by mail to the Department of Water Supply at 345 Kekuanao’a Street, Hilo, HI 96720. Written testimony should be submitted no later than 12 noon, Tuesday, October 20, 2020, to be acknowledged at the public hearing. All written testimony, regardless of time of receipt, will be part of the permanent record. Oral Testimony: Those that want to provide oral testimony during the meeting must email no later than 12 noon, Tuesday, October 20, 2020, with your name, phone number, email address. You may be asked to register and your testimony will be included via the web conference application. Pursuant to Chapter 54, Part III, Hawai’i Revised Statutes, the hearings will be for the purpose of hearing views and comments of all persons interested in the following proposals for increases in the water rate schedules to be applied by the Department of Water Supply, County of Hawai’i, for all districts. Not all components of the Department’s water rate structure are subject to change at this time. Those components remaining unchanged include: General Use Block Thresholds, Agricultural Use Block Thresholds, Power Cost Charges, and Energy CIP Charges. PROPOSED GENERAL USE RATES (per 1,000 gallons) In addition to standby, power cost, and energy CIP charges, a consumption charge will be applied to all general use customers. Current Proposed Rates January 1, 2021 1st Block $0.92 $1.04 2nd Block $2.01 $2.27 3rd Block $3.53 $3.99 4th Block $4.69 $5.30 PROPOSED AGRICULTURAL USE RATES (per 1,000 gallons) In addition to standby, power cost, and energy CIP charges, a consumption charge will be applied to all agricultural use customers. Current Proposed Rates January 1, 2021 1st Block $0.92 $1.04 2nd Block $2.01 $2.27 3rd Block $1.27 $1.44 PROPOSED MONTHLY STANDBY CHARGES All meter connections shall be subject to a monthly standby charge as follows: Meter Size Current Proposed (inches) Rates January 1, 2021 5/8″ $20.20 $22.83 1″ $43.00 $48.59 1 1/2 ” $80.00 $90.40 2″ $125.00 $141.25 3″ $229.00 $258.77 4″ $377.00 $426.01 6″ $747.00 $844.11 8″ $1,192.00 $1,346.96 10″ $1,720.00 $1,943.60 12″ $3,000.00 $3,390.00 PROPOSED MONTHLY STANDBY CHARGES FOR PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION For each connection of automatic fire sprinklers or other private fire protection, there shall be a standby charge per month, in addition to consumption, power cost, and energy CIP charges, based on the size of the connection as follows: Size of Service Current Proposed (inches) Rates January 1, 2021 2″ $18.00 $20.34 3″ $35.00 $39.55 4″ $48.00 $54.24 6″ $119.00 $134.47 8″ $181.00 $204.53 PROPOSED MONTHLY STANDBY CHARGES FOR FIRE LINE OR FIRE SERVICE METERS For each connection of combined fire and domestic services, there shall be a standby charge per month, in addition to consumption, power cost, and energy CIP charges, based on the large size of the connection as follows: Size of Service Current Proposed (inches) Rates January 1, 2021 3″ $207.00 $233.91 4″ $340.00 $384.20 6″ $675.00 $762.75 8″ $1,078.00 $1,218.14 10″ $1,551.00 $1,752.63 PROPOSED STANDPIPE CHARGES New customers obtaining water service from Department of Water Supply standpipe facilities shall be charged an initial payment and on a monthly basis for the proportional cost of the standpipe facility. These charges are as follows and in addition to general use consumption, standby, power cost, and energy CIP charges: Current Proposed Rates January 1, 2021 Initial Payment: Meter Size 5/8″ $183.00 $206.79 1″ $369.00 $416.97 1 1/2 ” $460.00 $519.80 2″ $551.00 $622.63 Amortized Installation Cost Monthly: Meter Size 5/8″ $10.00 $11.30 1″ $20.00 $22.60 1 1/2 ” $25.00 $28.25 2″ $29.00 $32.77 PROPOSED SERVICE LATERAL INSTALLATION CHARGES Installation charge for service lateral connection with a 5/8-inch meter: Current Rates Proposed January 1, 2021 Same Side Cross Road Same Side Cross Road County Right-of-Way $ 3,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 6,000.00 State Right-of-Way $12,000.00 $17,000.00 $17,000.00 $21,000.00 For special conditions such as concrete sidewalks, compaction tests, large cut or fill areas where additional work is required, additional charges, as determined by the Department shall be added to the installation charges above. PROPOSED FACILITIES CHARGES A facilities charge will be applicable to all new service connections based on the maximum size of the meter and type of service the service lateral can support or by the number of lots, dwelling units or equivalent units in the development, whichever cost is larger. The unit cost in determination of the facilities charges shall be $6,095.00 for each additional lot, dwelling unit, or equivalent unit. The facilities charge is in addition to the service lateral installation charge. The schedule of facilities charge is as follows: Meter Size Current Proposed (inches) Rates January 1, 2021 5/8″ First Connection $1,190.00 $1,319.00 Additional Connection $5,500.00 $6,095.00 1″ Each Connection $13,750.00 $15,237.00 1 1/2 ” Each Connection $27,500.00 $30,474.00 2″ Each Connection $44,000.00 $48,759.00 3″ Each Connection $82,500.00 $97,518.00 4″ Each Connection $137,500.00 $152,372.00 6″ Each Connection $275,000.00 $304,744.00 8″ Each Connection $495,000.00 $487,591.00 10″ Each Connection $797,500.00 $1,279,927.00 12″ Each Connection $1,182,500.00 $1,615,146.00 If accommodation or auxiliary aid and/or services (i.e., sign language, interpreter, large print) to participate in the hearing is required, please call (808) 961-8050. Dated at Hilo, Hawai’i, this 22nd day of September, 2020. WATER BOARD OF THE COUNTY OF HAWAI’I By: William Boswell, Jr. Its Chairperson The Department of Water Supply is an Equal Opportunity provider and employer. Posted on the Internet at: (HTH1296336 9/29/20)