NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Department of Transportation, State of Hawaii, Harbors Division (the “Department”) will hold a public hearing on Monday, November 30, 2020 commencing at 8:30 a.m. Hawaii Standard Time remotely by toll-free conference call in connection with the issuance by the Department of one or more series of harbor system revenue bonds. Interested members of the public are invited to participate by dialing the Toll-Free number below and then entering the Meeting Access Code below: Toll-free Number: 1-888-482-3560 Meeting Access Code: 5873666 The Department proposes to issue, in a plan of financing, one or more series of State of Hawaii Harbor System Revenue Bonds (the “Bonds”) at one or more times in a maximum aggregate stated principal amount of $320,000,000 pursuant to a supplemental certificate supplementing the Certificate of the Director Providing for the Issuance of State of Hawaii Harbor System Revenue Bonds dated as of March 1, 1997, as previously supplemented (the “Certificate”). All of the Bonds to be issued as tax-exempt bonds are expected to qualify as exempt facility bonds for docks and wharves (port facilities) pursuant to section 142(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”). The proceeds of the Bonds will be used to provide the original financing (by paying for or reimbursing expenditures) of certain capital improvement projects (the “New Facilities”) and to refinance ((by refunding certain outstanding bonds issued by the Department) the costs of other capital improvement projects (the “Refinanced Facilities,” and together with the New Facilities, the “Facilities”), in each case for port facilities under section 142(a)(2) of the Code. The Facilities are or will be located within certain port and harbor facilities operated as a single, integrated system (the “Harbor System”) under the jurisdiction of the Department, including, with respect to the New Facilities: Honolulu Harbor, (address: 79 South Nimitz Highway, Oahu Honolulu HI, 96813) at Piers 41-43 (the Kapalama Container Terminal) and adjacent piers and wharves; Kahului Harbor (address: 103 Ala Luina Street, Kahului, Maui, HI 96732), purchase of land adjacent to Piers 1 and 3 and construction thereon of container yards; Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbor (address: 91-550 Malakole Street, Kapolei, Oahu HI 96707), fuel pier adjacent to Pier 5 and new pier and wharf facilities at Piers 8, 9, and 10; and Hilo Harbor (address: 80 Kuhio Street, Hilo HI 96720) purchase of land adjacent to Pier 1 for construction of container yards. The Refinanced Facilities include: container yard, piers and related improvements at Sand Island (accessible from the Sand Island Parkway) in Oahu; improvements to Piers 12, 15, 23-28, site and building improvements at Pier 35, improvements to Piers 39-40, including lighting improvements to Pier 39, and a planning, environmental and development services project, all in Honolulu Harbor; planning and environmental studies for fuel pier and additional piers 8, 9 and 10, and improvements at Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbor, including Pier 7, harbor and landside improvements, storage yard and pier and utilities; pier extension and related improvements, including Pier 2 construction, barge and terminal improvements at Kawaihae Harbor, bounded by Akoni Pule Highway and the Kawaihae Road, on the island of Hawaii; land acquisition, dredging, berthing yard and other improvements at Kahului Harbor, including Pier 1C extension, container yard piers and utilities; Pier 3 improvements at Nawiliwili Harbor, bounded by the Niumalu Road, the Nawiliwili Road and the Jetty Road, in Kauai; interisland cargo terminal and pier and road improvements at Hilo Harbor; land acquisition, land-side improvements and water-side improvements (dredging, wharves and piers) related to Kapalama Container Terminal in Honolulu Harbor; and commercial harbor construction at Hana Harbor, located on the eastside of Maui and accessible from the Hana Highway (State Highways 360 and 330). The Bonds are payable solely from and secured by the revenues received by the Department from the operation of Harbor System. The Bonds shall not constitute or give rise to a general obligation or other indebtedness of the State of Hawaii within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation. The full faith and credit of neither the State of Hawaii nor any political subdivision thereof will be pledged to the payment of or as security for the Bonds. The public hearing is required by Section 147(f) of the Code. Subsequent to the public hearing the Governor of the State of Hawaii will consider approval of the plan of finance for the issuance of the Bonds and the capital improvement projects to be financed and refinanced by the Bonds. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and to express their views relative to the proposed financing, either orally or in writing. Written comments should be made available to the Department at or before the public hearing and may be submitted to Kendrick Au, Treasurer, Department of Transportation – Harbors Division, 79 South Nimitz Highway, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813. Further information may be obtained by calling the Department at (808) 587-3666 on regular business days (Monday-Friday) between 7:45 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. To request language translation, an auxiliary aid or other special services (e.g., materials in an alternative format, large print, taped materials, sign language interpreter, etc.), please call the Department at (808) 587-3666 (voice only) not later than five (5) days prior to the meeting date. TTY users may use a Telecommunications Relay Service to contact our office. NOTICE DATED: November 20, 2020 Director of Transportation, State of Hawaii (HTH1304437 11/20/20)