NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION, COUNTY OF HAWAI’I Notice is hereby given that the Environmental Management Commission of the County of Hawai’i will hold a special meeting due to the unexpected postponement of its November 25, 2020, meeting. Information on how to submit testimony is in the agenda below. Based on the Mayor’s Proclamation regarding COVID-19, the meeting will be online. This is to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and to maintain social distancing. The public may attend either online or by telephone. SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA DATE: December 16, 2020 TIME: 9:00 a.m. PLACE: Zoom: Ph: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 335 609 0553 (no password needed) (Note: Zoom needs to be installed to use the link; otherwise, the Meeting ID can be entered for access to the meeting.) STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC: Anyone wishing to provide written testimony on an agenda item may do so by submitting it in writing. To ensure timely delivery to commissioners prior to the meeting, written testimony must be submitted before 12:00 noon on the business day prior to the meeting by email to When submitting written testimony, please specify what agenda item it is being submitted for. All written testimony will be part of the permanent record. Testimony in real time will be permitted to the extent possible. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF OCTOBER 28, 2020 3. STATEMENT FROM THE CHAIR 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS ON ITEMS ON THE AGENDA 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Presentation by Michael Pierron of Compost Hawai’i regarding their operations and composting possibilities for the island. b. Presentation by Chantal Chung and Evan Lam of Ma’ona Community Garden regarding their operations and composting possibilities for the island. c. Presentation by George Hayducsko of County of Hawai’i on the County’s Greenwaste Program. d. Introduction of Director of Environmental Management (pending confirmation by County Council) 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Discussion on the Commission’s priorities for 2021 and beyond. 7. DIRECTOR’S INFORMATIONAL REPORT DATED NOVEMBER 25, 2020 (Note: the report is posted online with the agenda on both the County Calendar and County of Hawai’i website under Our County, Boards and Commissions, Environmental Management Commission, Agendas). a. The chloride content in the sewage collection at different points along the line and at the plants themselves. b. Where the liners have been placed in the Ali’i Drive and Palani Road sewer system to make the pipes functional again. c. The status of the Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan. d. Information on the operation of the Wai’ohinu Transfer Station while construction is going on. e. Report on the public hearing held on November 19, 2020, regarding proposed changes to the Department of Environmental Management’s administrative rules. f. Any updates on the Pahala and Na’alehu Wastewater Treatment Plants. g. Any updates on Kealakehe Wastewater Treatment Plant R-1 upgrade h. Report on whether recent work was done at or near the sump in Kealakehe. i. The Department of Environmental Management’s current CIP budget for wastewater. j. The Department of Environmental Management’s project list. 8. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Commissioners can suggest items they would like placed on the next agenda. 9. ANNOUNCEMENTS The next meeting is scheduled for January 27, 2021, at a location to be determined or online. Please contact the Department of Environmental Management or monitor the website for updates. 10. ADJOURNMENT The regular meeting place is accessible to persons with disabilities. To request an auxiliary aid or language translation, please call 961-8083 five days prior to the meeting date. Comments may be sent to the Department of Environmental Management, 345 Kekuanao’a Street, Suite 41, Hilo, Hawai’i 96720, or emailed to Notice to lobbyists: If you are a lobbyist, you must register with the Hawai’i County Clerk within five days of becoming a lobbyist. [Article 15, Section 2-91.3(b), Hawai’i County Code.] A lobbyist means “any individual engaged for pay or other consideration who spends more than five hours in any month or $275 in any six-month period for the purpose of attempting to influence legislative or administrative action by communicating or urging others to communicate with public officials.” [Article 15, Section 2-91.3(a)(6), Hawai’i County Code.] Registration forms and expenditure report documents are available at the Office of the County Clerk-Council, 25 Aupuni Street, Hilo, Hawai’i 96720. (HTH1306731 12/14/20)