PUBLIC NOTICE COUNTY OF HAWAI’I-PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONSOLIDATIONS&SUBDIVISIONS Accepted February 2021 In accordance with Section 23-58B of the Subdivision Code, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following applications have been submitted. *Applicant **Subdivider 1. ** Loendorf, Jon, Jr./Debbie Skaggs (CON-21-000443) on 2 ac, into 1 lot, size 2 ac, at Keaau, TMK: 1-5-029:096&097. 2. ** Boboff, Peter Boris (CON-21-000444) on 0.673 ac, into 1 lot, size 0.673 ac, at Maniniowali, TMK: 7-2-028:024&025. 3. ** Sanchez, Robert Howerd/Brandon Spencer (CON-21-00445) on 30,863 sf, into 1 lot, size 30,863 sf, at Keauhou, TMK: 9-9-010:039&040. 4. ** McCandless Land&Cattle Co./Clemmens J. Classen (le.) (CON-21-000446) on 41.638 ac, into 1 lot, size 41.638 ac, at Waiea, TMK: 8-6-001:011, 012,&013. 5. ** Chang, Lauren Malia, et al. P., Trust (SUB-21-002006) on 35 ac, into 4 lots, sizes 5 ac, 10.037 ac, 10.105 ac,&10.056 ac, at Paauilo, TMK: 4-3-011:007. 6. ** Palea, Robert K., et al. (SUB-21-002007) on 33,144 sf, into 2 lots, sizes 15,458 sf&17,686 sf, at Waiakea, TMK: 2-4-010:009. 7. ** Deluz, Jason Kelii&Malita Achacoso (SUB-21-002008) on 15.24 ac, into 3 lots, sizes 5.24 ac, 5 ac,&5 ac, at Puukapu, TMK: 6-4-001:004. 8. ** Malia Ohana II Partnership (SUB-21-002009) on 531.857 ac into 2 lots, sizes 25.679 ac&506.178 ac, at Holualoa 1st, 2nd, 4th,&Kaumalumalu, TMK: 7-7-001:002&019. 9. ** Hakalau Jodo Mission/Bernadette Ho&Donald Atkins (SUB-21-002010) on 3.135 ac, into 2 lots, sizes 56,449 sf and 80,108 sf, at Hakalau Nui, TMK: 2-9-006:022&024. 10. ** Kahua Ranch Limited (SUB-21-002011) on 1,645.915 ac, into 2 lots, sizes 820.472 ac&825.444 ac, at Kahua 1st, TMK: 5-9-001:001. Maps/documents are on file&open for inspection during office hours 7:45am-4:30pm at the HI County Planning Dept, 101 Pauahi St, Ste 3, Hilo or 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy, Bldg E, 2nd Floor, Kailua-Kona. By: ZENDO KERN, Planning Director HI County is an Equal Opportunity Provider&Employer (HTH/WHT1320494 3/31/21)