NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMENT HAWAII PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITY (HPHA) REVISED UTILITY RATES AND ALLOWANCES FOR FEDERAL PUBLIC HOUSING RESIDENTS WHO PURCHASE THEIR OWN UTILITIES, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2021 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rule, Section 17-2028-7, the HAWAII PUBLIC HOUSING AUTHORITY (“HPHA”) will be revising the monthly utility allowances for federal public housing residents who purchase their own utilities, beginning JULY 1, 2021. The revised rates and allowances listed below will be made effective on JULY 1, 2021. Please note that written or oral comments on the revised utility rates or allowances may be submitted until June 30, 2021 to the: Hawaii Public Housing Authority Property Management and Maintenance Services Branch P.O. Box 17907 Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 Or, interested persons may call the Property Management and Maintenance Services Branch at 1-808-832-4691; toll free number 1-800-974-4000, ext. 24691; or 1-808-832-6083 (TDD / TTY) A copy of the revised schedules and rates shall be posted in all of the HPHA’s federal public housing property management offi ces and shall be provided to all residents who request a copy at the property management offi ce. SCHEDULE OF UTILITY ALLOWANCES BEGINNING JULY 1, 2021 Note: The new utility allowances have been rounded to the nearest dollar. Property Current Utility Allowance Decrease/Increase In Utility Allowance (Dollar Change) New Utility Allowance Kauhale O’Hanakahi 3 bedroom $177 ($2) $175 Lanakila Homes I 1 bedroom $118 ($2) $116 2 bedroom $145 ($2) $143 3 bedroom $177 ($3) $174 4 bedroom $205 ($3) $202 Lanakila Homes II 1 bedroom $119 ($2) $117 2 bedroom $146 ($2) $144 3 bedroom $178 ($3) $175 4 bedroom $206 ($3) $203 Lanakila Homes IIIA ADA Units 1 bedroom $94 ($4) $90 2 bedroom $107 ($4) $103 3 bedroom $126 ($6) $120 Lanakila Homes IIIA Standard 2 bedroom $109 ($3) $106 Lanakila Homes IIIB 1 bedroom (ADA) $94 ($2) $92 2 bedroom $109 ($3) $106 3 bedroom $125 ($3) $122 Lanakila IV 1 bedroom $120 ($2) $118 2 bedroom $147 ($3) $144 3 bedroom $178 ($2) $176 4 bedroom $206 ($3) $203 Punahele Homes 2 bedroom $147 ($3) $144 ALLOWANCES FOR MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Description Quantity/Month Hilo Air conditioner, window type, 10,000 BTU 229 kWh $74 Oxygen concentrator, 400W 219 kWh $71 Nebulizer, 75W 5 kWh $2 Electric hospital bed, 200W 1 kWh $1 Alternating pressure pad, 70W 51 kWh $17 Low air-pressure mattress, 120W 88 kWh $29 Power wheelchair/ scooter, 360W 67 kWh $22 Feeding tube, 120W 44 kWh $14 CPAP machine, 30W 9 kWh $3 Leg Pump 3 kWh $1 Portable Dialysis Machine 78 kwh $25 The HPHA does not discriminate against any person because of race, sex, including gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, color, religion, marital status, familial status, ancestry, disability, age, or human immunodefi ciency virus infection. Hakim Ouansafi Executive Director Hawaii Public Housing Authority Department of Human Services State of Hawaii May 2021