NOTICE TO MOTORISTS Installation of Pavement Preservation Strategies and Surface Treatments at Various Locations Keaau Pahoa Bypass Road FAP No. STP-0100(077) Variance No. V-1227 Docket No. 21-NR-VN-23 Lane closures on Keaau Pahoa Bypass Rd. between Mile Marker 0 and 2.1 will commence on June 14, 2021 to December 2021 for pavement reconstruction and miscellaneous improvements. Working hours on the avenue are Monday thru Friday 7:00PM to 5:00AM. Motorists are advised to proceed with caution through the work zone. Contractor: Jas. W. Glover, Ltd. P.O. Box 579 Honolulu, Hawaii 96809 Contractor License No. ABC-3 Phone No. (808) 591-8977 Fax No. (808) 591-8978 PROJECT SITE