PUBLIC NOTICE COUNTY OF HAWAI`I ATTENTION AFFORDABLE HOUSING DEVELOPERS/OWNERS INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS FOR SECTION 8 PROJECT-BASED VOUCHER FUNDING This Invitation for Proposal (IFP) is established pursuant to the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 24, Subtitle B, Chapter IX, Part 983. The Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD) announces funding availability of vouchers for project-basing rental housing in the County of Hawai’i with the primary purpose of creating new or to retain existing rental units that are safe, decent, and sanitary that will serve families at or below 80% of the area median income. Projects with existing PBV HAP contracts with OHCD are not eligible to apply for this IFP. An estimated 100 Section 8 Project-Based Voucher units (PBV) may be allocated through competitive selection. Conditional awards are subject to the availability of funds and approval of the Mayor of the County of Hawai’i. The OHCD will offer owners of selected quality housing an allocation of vouchers directed to the target population(s) that can be attached to designated units of their rental housing. Owners will gain the benefit of a multi-year contract with OHCD ensuring a Section 8 approved rent for their properties for an extended period. Eligible individuals and families from the OHCD’s waiting list will gain the benefit of quality affordable housing. PBV Registration of Interest: Affordable housing developers and owners must submit a PBV Registration of Interest by email to identifying their interest in participating in the competitive selection process for project-based voucher assistance. If a developer has multiple projects, a separate email must be submitted for each project. The subject line of the email must be “PBV Registration of Interest 2021” followed by the name of the project. In the body of the email, indicate the type of project (Rehabilitation, New Construction, or Existing), the total number of units in the project, targeted population, and identify the name(s) of all partners of the development team such as owners, designers, builders, legal, and property management. For rehabilitation and new construction projects, Registrations of Interest must be transmitted no later than midnight on August 31, 2021. Registrations will be accepted on an on-going first-come-first serve basis for existing units and projects competitively selected under another federal, state, or local housing program. Detailed application and selection information will be e-mailed to those registered in accordance with this IFP. Prior to submitting a registration, carefully review pertinent PBV information to ensure project requirements can be met. Regulatory requirements can be found on the HUD Project Based Voucher website at: OHCD PBV policies can be found on the Hawaii County website at: OHCD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including gender identity or expression), sexual orientation, disability, marital status, familial status, ancestry, age, or HIV infection. Duly submitted by Susan K. Kunz, Housing Administrator (HTH1333149 7/12, 7/19, 7/26/21)