PUBLIC NOTICE PROGRAM AMENDMENTS TO 2019 AND 2020 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM The County of Hawaii’s Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD) has developed and published its draft amendment to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program to afford affected citizens an opportunity to examine its contents, and to submit comments on the draft amendment. AMENDMENT TO THE 2019&2020 ACTION PLANS In accordance with the County’s approved Citizen Participation Plan, an amendment to the County’s Action Plan will require the publication of a public notice to notify citizens of the draft amendments and its availability for comments from July 14, 2021 to August 13, 2021 which will be available online at and at the following locations, Monday through Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except on holidays. OFFICE OF HOUSING AND OFFICE OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1990 Kinoole Street, Ste.102 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Hwy. Hilo, Hawai`i 96720 Kailua-Kona, Hawai`i 96740 Phone: 961-8379 Phone: 323-4300 The OHCD is amending its 2019 and 2020 Action Plans by reprograming $701,497.49 of its cancelled 2020 CDBG Project Kaiaulu O Waikoloa Rental Housing Offsite Infrastructure Improvement funds to the following existing project for additional funding necessary to complete the project: 2019 CDBG Project 2019 West Hawaii Homeless Emergency Shelter $701,497.49 Improvements The OHCD will consider any comments and views expressed by citizens on the draft amendment, and may modify the amendment, if it deems appropriate. Citizens who wish to comment on the draft amendment must submit their comments in writing to the OHCD, or FAX your comments to (808)961-8685, by August 13, 2021. OFFICE OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNTY OF HAWAI`I BY: Susan K. Kunz Housing Administrator Mitchell D. Roth, Mayor County of Hawai`i (HTH1333690 7/14/21)