NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE COURT ACTION: FINANCE FACTORS, LIMITED v. YOLANDA FAITH M. KEEHNE, Successor Trustee of the Thelma Lavern Martin Revocable Trust dated January 21, 1992, as amended, et al., Civil No. 3CCV-20-0000422, Third Circuit Court, State of Hawaii. The undersigned Commissioner will sell at public auction the following described property on the date and time set forth below. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: All of that certain parcel of land (being a portion(s) of the land(s) described in and covered by Land Patent Grant Number 7590 to Sylvester Marques) situate, lying and being at Kaao, Hamakua, Island and County of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, being LOT 2, same being a portion of Lot 22, Kaao House Lots, containing an area of 10,239 square feet, more or less, together with a 16-foot Road Easement. Fee Simple. See Commissioner for full legal description. LOCATION: 45-3177 Ohia Street, Honokaa, Hawaii 96727; TMK: (3) 4-5-020-003. IMPROVEMENTS: A one story wood frame home consisting of 3 bedrooms, 1 bath built in 1959 and having a living area of approximately 936 square feet. OPEN HOUSE: No open houses by order of the Court. DATE AND TIME OF AUCTION: Tuesday, August 17, 2021 at 12:00 Noon. PLACE OF AUCTION: Entrance (flagpole) area of Hale Kaulike (State Judiciary Building), 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii (auction shall be conducted following social distancing and face covering guidelines recommended by the CDC; attendees must maintain a six-foot distance separation and must wear a mask over their nose and mouth (unless the participant or observer has a disability and cannot wear a mask or cannot safely wear a mask, for reasons related to the disability). TERMS OF SALE: No upset price. The property will be sold “AS IS” to the highest bidder at public auction. SALE IS NOT FINAL UNTIL APPROVED AND CONFIRMED BY THE COURT. The highest bidder is required to make a down payment in cash, by certified or cashier’s check at the time of auction in the amount of TEN PERCENT (10%) of the highest bid price. The down payment may be subject to forfeiture if the successful bidder fails to pay the remaining balance of the bid, fails to complete the transaction in a timely manner, or as otherwise ordered by the Court. The balance of the price shall be paid in cash, certified or cashier’s check to the Commissioner upon approval and confirmation of the sale by the Court and tender of the document transferring title. Costs of conveyance, including the conveyance tax, the costs of any escrow, title insurance, securing possession of the subject property and recording of such conveyance, shall be at the expense of such successful purchaser. Neither the availability of title insurance nor securing possession of the subject property shall be a condition of closing. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Contact Paul K. Hamano, Attorney at Law, Commissioner, P. O. Box 574, Hilo, Hawaii, 96721. Telephone (808) 935-3336. (HTH1335062 7/18, 7/25, 8/1/21)