NOTICE OF CORRECTION AND POSTPONEMENT OF FORECLOSURE SALE BY AUCTION COURT ACTION: Bank of Hawaii v. Kevin M. Bertelmann, et al; Civil No 18-1-0304, Circuit Court of the Third Circuit, State of Hawaii. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION CORRECTION: All of that certain parcel of land (being portion(s) of the land(s) described in and covered by Grant 2152, Apana 2 to Kalimapahana) situate, lying and being at Kowala, Ka’u, County and State of Hawaii, being Lot 24, “Naalehu Subdivision – Fourth Series” … LOCATION/DIRECTIONS: TMK (3) 9-5-009-068; 95-5575 Poha Street, Naalehu, 96722. From Hilo, take Highway 11 to Niu Street, turn left to Poha Street, turn right on Poha Street, house on left. IMPROVEMENTS: 3 bedroom, 1 bath, single wall, 864 sq ft home, permitted in 1977, lot is 10,199 square feet. OLD AUCTION DATE: Thursday, September 2, 2021 at 12:00 pm. NEW DATE AND TIME OF PUBLIC AUCTION: TO BE CONTINUED UNTIL AT LEAST JANUARY 2022. PLACE OF AUCTION: Entrance of the Judiciary Complex (Hale Kaulike), 777 Kilauea Ave., Hilo, Hawaii 96720. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Contact Gary C. Zamber, Esq., Commissioner; Address: 21 Waianuenue Ave., Suite 3, Hilo, HI 96720; Tel: (808) 969-3600; Cell (808) 557-4555; Fax (808) 769-5134; email: (HTH1339063 8/29/21)