Hawaii Tribune-Herald
Notice #: 0001360802-01
Court Notices

IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD CIRCUIT STATE OF HAWAII FC-PA: 21-1-0011 NOTICE JORDAN TAYLOR vs KATHERINE MARIE ALEXANDER Petitioner Respondent GREETING: You are hereby notified that a PETITION FOR CUSTODY VISITATION, SUPPORT ORDERS AFTER VOLUNTARY ESTABLISHMENT OF PATERNITY and MOTION FOR TEMPORARY ORDERS has been filed in this Court against you and is set for hearing in the courtroom of the Judge presiding in the above-entitled proceedings in FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD CIRCUIIT as HILO, Hawaii on APRIL 8, 2022 AT 8:00 o’clock AM. In the event you fail to appear, further action may be taken in this cause, including judgment for the relief demanded in the Petition and/or Motion, without further notice to you. DATED: Hilo, HI, FEB 18 2022. BY THE COURT: T. KANAEHOLO (SEAL) Clerk ______________________________ Attorney for Petitioner Gary C. Zamber (HTH1390802 2/25, 3/4, 3/11, 3/18/22)