Hawaii Tribune-Herald
Notice #: 0001369866-01

Bill Nos. 149, 151, and 155

I hereby certify that the following Bills passed first reading at the meeting of the Hawai’i County Council on April 20, 2022, by vote as listed below:

Bill 149: Amends Ordinance No. 21-38, as Amended, the Operating Budget for the County of Hawai’i for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022. Appropriates revenues in the Federal Grants – Community Development Block Grant Mitigation account ($4,462,000); and appropriates the same to the following Community Development Block Grant Mitigation accounts: ArcGIS Project ($370,000), Water Supply Project ($835,000), Fire Equipment ($1,810,000), Planning Code Revisions ($400,000), Public Works Flood Studies ($394,000), Administration ($343,000), and Activity Delivery ($310,000). Ayes: Council Members Chung, Inaba, Kaneali’i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Kimball, Lee Loy, Richards, Villegas, and Chair David – 9; Noes: None; Absent: None; Excused: None.

Bill 151: Amends Ordinance No. 21-39, as Amended, Relating to Public Improvements and Financing Thereof for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Adds the Parks and Recreation Council Discretionary Projects-District 6 project ($100,000) to the Capital Budget. Funds for this project shall be provided from the General Obligation Bonds, Capital Projects Fund – Fund Balance and/or Other Sources. Ayes: Council Members Chung, Inaba, Kaneali’i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Kimball, Lee Loy, Richards, Villegas, and Chair David – 9; Noes: None; Absent: None; Excused: None.

Bill 155: Amends Ordinance No. 21-38, as Amended, the Operating Budget for the County of Hawai’i for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2022. Appropriates revenues in the following accounts: Federal – Block Grant ($2,600,000) and Block Grant – Program Income ($100,000); and appropriates the same to the following accounts: Mental Health Kokua-Kona Residential Housing Renovations ($271,149) and Hilo Residential Complex Housing Renovations ($650,000); West Hawai’i Emergency Shelter and Facility Energy Efficiency Improvements ($650,000); Hamakua Youth and Community Center Improvements Phase 1 ($588,851); and Administration, Planning and Fair Housing ($540,000). Ayes: Council Members Chung, Inaba, Kaneali’i-Kleinfelder, Kierkiewicz, Kimball, Lee Loy, Richards, Villegas, and Chair David – 9; Noes: None; Absent: None; Excused: None.

Jon Henricks

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Provider and Employer

(HTH1369866 4/29/22)