NOTICE OF POSTPONED FORECLOSURE SALE COURT ACTION: Reverse Mortgage Funding. LLC, vs. Marshall D. Chinen, Esq. As Personal Representative Of The Estate Of Anita Leilani Lancaster; Secretary Of Housing And Urban Development; State Of Hawaii- Hawaii Health Systems Corporation Dba Hilo Medical Center; Child Support Enforcement Angency – State Of Hawaii; Orchidland Community Association, Inc., et al., Civil No. 3CC181000292, Circuit Court of the Third Circuit, State of Hawaii DESCRIPTION: Lot: 2.002 Acres House: 1,188 square feet house, 3 Bedrooms, 1 full bath and 1 half bath LOCATION: 16-1561 35th Avenue, Keaau, HI 96749 TAX MAP KEY: 3-1-6-010-177-0000 ZONING: A-3a (Agricultural, 3 acre minimum) AUCTION DATE: Date: Wednesday September 28, 2022 Time: 12:00 p.m. (Noon) Place: Front Entrance to Hale Kaulike 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii TERMS OF SALE: The Property shall be sold at a public or private sale. In the event the Property is sold at public auction, there shall be no upset price at the sale, and the Property shall be sold “as is”, without any representations or warranties as to title or possession. Upon fall of the hammer, the successful bidder shall pay a down payment to the Commissioner, by cash or certified check, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the successful bid price, with the exception of Plaintiff, who may use the amount of its secured indebtedness as the required ten percent (10%) down payment. The balance shall be paid concurrently with delivery of the documents transferring title. At the Court’s discretion, ten percent (10%) of the purchase price may be forfeited as reasonable damages in full or in part if the Purchaser fails to close within the time ordered by the Court. In no event shall reasonable damages be greater than 10% of the purchase price. Plaintiff or its designee, is authorized to be a purchaser at the foreclosure sale, and to credit bid up to the total amount due to Plaintiff without the requirement of any down payment at said sale. If Plaintiff is the highest bidder, payment of the down payment and the balance of the sale price shall be made by offset against the amount owed to Plaintiff under the Loan Documents. The purchaser shall pay closing costs, including but not limited to costs of escrow fees, title insurance premiums, conveyance document preparation fees, prorated real property and conveyance tax, recordation and costs of securing possession after closing. The inability of the purchaser to secure title insurance or financing shall not be a condition of closing. The sale shall not be final until approved by the Circuit Court of the Third Circuit, State of Hawaii. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Dwayne Stephen Lerma, Commissioner P. O. Box 130 Keaau, Hawaii 96749 Telephone No.: (808) 961-4484 (HTH1378837 9/9/22)