HAWAI`I COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO: KIN DOMAINS LLC, LEE PARRISH and LUELLA TARANTO YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that your real property located at 14-4061 Pahoa-Kalapana Road, Pahoa, Hawai`i 96778, TMK No. (3) 1-4-092:006, in which you may claim an interest, is the subject of a Notice of Violation and Order (NOVO) issued by the County of Hawai`i Planning Department for the violation of HCC 25-5-77(b) and (c). YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED to cease and desist from the violations, correct the violations, and pay all civil fines in the amount $1,500.00 for the violations as required in the NOVO. If you fail to do so, daily fines will be imposed as described in the NOVO. You are instructed to contact the County of Hawai`i Planning Department at 101 Pauahi Street, Suite 3, Hilo, Hawai`i 96720 by November 2, 2023: HILO, Hawaii, ZENDO KERN PLANNING DIRECTOR
(HTH1432807 10/6/23)