CASE MORKS My hero Case Morks, from Holland, died on July 5, 2023, in Aloha, Oregon, at the home of his daughter JoAnne and her husband Rick. I will miss him forever and always remember his amazing history. Starting from WWII (Germany occupies Holland!). He’s home alone hiding from German soldiers in his house! There’s space above the toilet, so he hides there! Outside Germans set up a machinegun at each end of the block! The Dutch underground radios the British to bomb a German HQ in his city. However a bomb goes astray and kills Cases sister! Case’s father was sent by the Germans to a death camp! Case joins the Dutch Army and in winter they skate on frozen streams. He’s taught to turn sideways to be a smaller target when someone shoots at you, as happened in Java at a sugar mill. Case still had a bullet in his neck from when a worker he disciplined shot at him with a pistol! Another time he was driving in Java, (which the Java government did not approve) and a man killed him self by jumping in front of Case’s car. There were lots of witnesses, so Case thought he had an alibi police would accept. However, the locals were afraid of the police, so all of his witnesses disappeared! When I knew Case in Hilo, he was retired. Or perhaps he “retired” when Hawaii’s sugar plantations went out of business? He was responsible for senior tennis on weekends at the courts opposite Hilo Fire station. He often played at the Hilo Yacht Club. When family moved Case to Oregon, I would occasionally call him to visit him on the phone. Once he told me during German occupation, he was ordered by Germans to board a Dutch train on a certain date, but he missed it. On that day 50,000 people were arrested and put on a train to a prison camp. He was very likeable, and we will miss a very special friend! Larry Black