NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE COURT ACTION: Per the Order Granting Plaintiff’s Motion for Summary Judgment and for Interlocutory decree of Foreclosure Against All Parties in Civil No. 15-1-0009, Third Circuit Court, State of Hawaii, the subject property will be sold at public foreclosure sale. PROPERTY: 39-3222 Kukui Village Rd., Ookala HI 96774 [TMK# (3) 3-9-006-025. AUCTION: July 24, 2024 at 12 noon, Front Lanai, State of Hawaii Judiciary Complex, 777 Kilauea Ave., Hilo, HI. SALE TERMS: Property sold “AS IS” without any representations or warranties. No upset price. A bidding party must show the ability to make a 10% down payment of his highest bid by cash, certified or cahier’s check. Plaintiff may credit bid its down payment up to its secured debt. At the Court’s discretion a down payment may be forfeited in full or part if the high bidder fails to pay the balance of his bid. Costs and fees of closing, not limited to costs of conveyancing, conveyance documents, tax, escrow/recording fees, proof of title or title insurance, notary fees, costs of securing possession of the property, shall be paid by the purchaser. Neither the availability of title insurance nor securing possession shall be a condition of closing. COMMISSIONER: Craig Sadamoto, 614 Kilauea Ave., #16, Hilo, HI 96720 (Phone: 937-1392). (HTH1457472 6/10, 6/17, 6/24/24)