Hawaii Tribune-Herald
Notice #: 0001460659-01
Public Notices

NOTICE CAAO No. 2025-001

NOTICE OF SEALED BID SALE: 2014 Newton 46′ Dive Special to be sold As-Is condition.
Final Sale.
Dimensions: 46′ x 16′ (includes trailer); vessel can carry up to 49 passengers plus one captain and one crew for a total of 51 POB.
Engines: Twin Cummins Diesel QSB5.9 – 355 Marine Diesel Engines
LOCATION: Wailoa Small Boat Harbor, Hilo Hawaii
Date: 07/08/2024
Time: 9am
Upset price: $260,400.00
Payment method: Cashier’s check for the full price

Availability for inspection: Arrangements to inspect the boat may be made by calling the University of Hawaii Hilo, Campus Recreation and Wellness Department – (808) 932-7611, M-F 8:30am –4pm
Terms and conditions of sale: The award shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this Notice of Sealed Bid and corresponding bid package to the highest responsive and responsible bidder, provided that the price offered by such bidder is acceptable to the designated property custodian; if the designated property custodian determines that the bid is not advantageous to the State, such officer may reject the bids in whole or in part and may re-solicit bids or such officer may negotiate the sale, provided that the negotiated sale price is higher than the highest responsive and responsible bidder.
It is the buyer’s responsibility to remove the items within a stipulated time after purchase; no guarantees or warranties are given by the State for the items; major defects, if known, are listed, but the State makes no claim that all defects are known; no sale will be invalid if defects are discovered in the item after the sale; and the State assumes no responsibility or liability once the items are sold.
The expense for packing, pickup, removal, registration and licensing shall be borne by the successful bidder.
Known major defect: None

Sealed bids must be received by the Capital Asset Accounting Office at 1408 LOWER CAMPUS ROAD, ROOM 46, HONOLULU, HAWAII 96822, no later than 2:30 p.m., 8/12/2024. Bids received after this time will not be considered. Electronic submissions (emailed) will not be considered.
Email caao@hawaii.edu or call (808) 956-8735 to obtain a bid package.

Direct all bidding questions to Kelcie Watai, Senior Fiscal Specialist, by email: kelciew@hawaii.edu or telephone: (808) 956-3103.
(HTH1460659 7/07/24)