NOTICE TO MOTORISTS Kilauea Avenue Rehabilitation Wailoa Bridge to Puainako Street Project No. STP-1920(005) Variance No. V-1190 Docket No. 20-NR-VN-40 Lane closures on Kilauea Avenue between Wailoa Bridge and Puainako Street will commence on November 10, 2020 to November 2021 for pavement reconstruction and miscellaneous improvements. Working hours on the avenue are Monday thru Friday 8:00PM to 5:00AM. Motorists are advised to proceed with caution through the work zone. Contractor: Jas. W. Glover, Ltd. P.O. Box 579 Honolulu, Hawaii 96809 Contractor License No. ABC-3 Phone No. (808) 591-8977 Fax No. (808) 591-8978