Auction Sale Notice is hereby given, that the goods stored by the following persons, listed as follows are in default of rents due and will be sold at Public Auction at Affordable Self Storage and Uhaul on February 13th at 10:00 am. CASH OR CC ONLY. Contents will be sold as a unit per outside inventory. 1) Braysha Silva, Unit E15, Misc. Clothes, Cooler, Basket 2) BASF Wolman GMBH, Unit E46, Misc. Tools, Tool Box, Tarp Tent, Misc. Boxes 3) Tongda Edwards, Unit E48, Misc. Boxes, Paperwork, Videos 4) Asia Buffa, Unit F92, Misc. Boxes, Clothes 5) Billy Henry, Unit B64, Tires, Carseat, Boots, Clothes 6) Lea Ulloa, Unit E52, Bags, Misc. Clothing, Boxes Michael Shewmaker OWNER Affordable Self Storage 69 Railroad Ave. Hilo, HI 96720 (HTH1313312 1/31, 2/7/21)