NOTICE OF HEARING TO RESPONDENT: KAITLIN MAURA MCMAHAN A REQUEST FOR ORDER to change child visitation and relocate has been filed in SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT CASE NO: FL170900 FILED: MAY 14 2021, JW PETITIONER’S NAME: WILLIAM HENRY BEEHLER RESPONDENT’S NAME: KAITLIN MAURA MCMAHAN Read the following information below. A COURT HEARING WILL BE HELD AS FOLLOWS: Date: 7-6-2021 Time: 8:30 AM in Dept. 6 Zoom. The name and address of the court are SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT 825 5th St. Eureka, CA 95501. The name, address, and telephone number of the petitioner’s attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney are: WILLIAM HENRY BEEHLER, PO BOX 947, GUALALA, CA 95445 (707)-884-9534 WARNING to the person served with the Request for Order: the court may make the requested orders without you if you do not file a Responsive Declaration to Request for Order (form FL-320), serve a copy on the other parties at least nine court days before the hearing (unless the court has ordered a shorter period of time), and appear at the hearing. (See form FL-320-INFO for more information.) (Forms FL-300-INFO and DV-400-INFO provide information about completing this form.) (HTH1329218 6/3, 6/10, 6/17, 6/24/21)