NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE Pursuant to the Writ of Execution issued by the District Court of the Third Circuit, Puna Division, State of Hawaii on February 8, 2023 in Case No. 3DSC-22-0000087, Land Value Trust v. Raymond K. Ornellas, Jr., I have levied upon the below-described property. As directed by the Writ of Execution, I, Safir Khaddar, a registered process server in the State of Hawaii, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash on Monday, May 15, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. at the entrance to courthouse, Hale Kaulike, 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawai’i 96720, all of the right, title and interest of Defendant Raymond K. Ornellas, Jr. in and to the below-described property to satisfy said writ of execution and all costs. The real property interest of the Defendant to be auctioned is described as: A 13.928571% undivided interest in the real property legally described as all of that certain parcel of land (being all of the land(s) described in and covered by Land Patent Grant Number 7593 to Louisa Kamakaleiuakama Swain) situate, lying and being at Kaimu, District of Puna, Island and County of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, and thus bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the east Corner of this lot and the northwest corner of Lot 3 of the Kikala-Keokea Homesteads, the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to Government Survey Triangulation Station “HAKUMA” being 24558.6 feet north and 4647.8 feet east, as shown on Government Survey Registered Map No. 2073, and running by true azimuths: 1. 20° 51′ 1003.6 feet along Lot 3 of the Kikala-Keokea Homesteads; 2. 111° 35′ 2245.0 feet along Government land; 3. 219° 38′ 2603.5 feet along Lots V-B, V-A and IV; 4. 337° 30′ 2049.0 feet along Government land to the point of beginning and containing an area of 80 acres. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING from the above described parcel of land, that certain roadway running through this lot from the Government Road (Upper Puna Road) to Lots IV, V-A and V-B and to the 50 foot road reserve (old trail) AND all of that certain parcel of land (being all of the land{s) described in and covered by Land Patent Grant Number 7731 to Louisa Karnakaleiuakama Swain) situate, lying and being at Kaimu, District of Puna, Island and County of Hawaii, State of Hawaii, and thus bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of this piece, the east corner of Lot VI, Upper Kaimu Homesteads, and the northwest corner of Lot 3, Kikala-Keokea Homesteads, the coordinates of said point of beginning referred to Government Survey Triangulation Station “HAKUMA” being 24558.6 feet north and 464?.8 feet east, as shown on Government Survey Registered Map No. 2073, and running by true azimuths: 1. 157° 30′ 1010.0 feet along Lot VI, Upper Kaimu Homesteads; 2. 315° 50′ 1250.9 feet along Government Land; 3. 44° 30′ 50.0 feet along North side of Upper Puna Road; 4. 90° 00′ 450.0 feet along Lot 3 Kikala-Keokea Homesteads to the point of beginning and containing an area of 5.50 acres designated on the Tax Maps of the State of Hawaii as Tax Map Key No. (3) 1-2-008-010 (the “Property”). The last known ownership of the Property is as follows: a. HELEN MARIE KUMALAE, 6.25% b. RICHARD AMONG, Executor of the Estate of Zaneta Richards, 26.3392857% c. RICHARD AMONG, individually, 13.3928571% c. LAND VALUE TRUST, Bernard J. Austin, Trustee, 13.8392857% d. LLEWELLYN C. KUMALAE, 13.3928571% e. IMC CONCEPTS, INC., 13.3928571% g. RAYMOND K. ORNELLAS, JR., 13.928571% The property will be sold “as is” and without any representations or warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, warranties or representations concerning condition of title, ownership percentage, possession, condition, or encumbrances. The deed will only convey only the right, title, and interest in the Property as to the undivided interest owned by RAYMOND K. ORNELLAS, JR., as specified above, and the property will be sold subject to all unpaid taxes, liens and special assessments, if any. The judgment amount is: $1,916.20 The minimum bid, which includes interest and costs of sale, is: $7,323.35 The judgment creditor is Land Value Trust. WARNING TO THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR: If you do not pay the judgment, the property will be sold and the proceeds of the sale will be used to pay the judgment and the excess will be distributed as required by law. A copy of the Writ of Execution is available upon request. Please contact the Law Office of Li&Li at (808) 521-8887 for more information. Safir Khaddar Dated: Friday, April 14, 2023 (HTH1411529 4/14/23)