LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Public Hearing Notice is hereby given of proposed rulemaking and public hearing by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health Division (HIOSH), to Title 12, Subtitle 8, Part 11 of the Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), pursuant to the Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health Law, Section 397-4 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes (HRS), and the Hawaii Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 91, HRS. The public hearing will consider the amendment and compilation of HAR Chapter 12-229. The proposed amendments are as follows: 1.HAR § 12-229-4.1(b) – updates references to Exhibit A and Exhibit B; 2.HAR § 12-229-6.1 – increases fees and updates references to Exhibit A and B; 3.HAR § 12-229, Exhibit A – updates exhibit to reflect increases in fees; 4.HAR § 12-229, Exhibit B – updates exhibit to reflect increases in fees; and 5.HAR § 12-229-3.1 and § 12-229-6.1(a)(1) – makes technical, non- substantive amendments for clarity and consistency. Pursuant to the Twelfth Proclamation issued by Governor David Ige on August 20, 2020, relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, the public hearing will be held remotely to prevent transmission of the virus causing COVID-19. Protecting the health and welfare of the community is of utmost concern. Information on how the public may participate in the meeting is provided below. The proposed amendments will be made available for public viewing from the first working day that the legal notice appears in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser, Hawaii Tribune Herald, West Hawaii Today, The Maui News, and The Garden Island, through the day of the public hearing at our website: Interested persons may request a hard copy of the proposed amendments from HIOSH by written request mailed to 830 Punchbowl Street, Room 425, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, by electronic mail at, or by telephone at (808) 586-9116. A copy of the proposed amendments will be mailed to any interested person who requests a copy and pays ten cents per page plus postage. Interested persons may present at the public hearing any written or oral data, views, arguments, comments, and objections concerning the proposals on: OCTOBER 30, 2020 FRIDAY, 1:00 P.M. Interested persons may participate in the public hearing in any one the following ways: Join from a computer: (Please mute your devices except to testify.) Meeting Number: 126 688 6729 Meeting Password: 96813 Join from the Webex smartphone app: (Please mute your devices except to testify.) Meeting Number: 126 688 6729 Meeting Password: 96813 Join from a phone (audio only): (Please mute your devices except to testify. Telephone participants can press *6 to unmute and mute themselves) +1-408-418-9388 (USA Toll) Meeting Number: 126 688 6729 Meeting Password: 96813 Join in person: Keelikolani Building 830 Punchbowl Street, Room 427 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 The State is exercising a good faith effort to provide this in-person option only to members of the public who are unable to attend the meeting via computer, Webex smartphone app, or phone. Only persons wearing masks that cover the nose and mouth will be allowed into the Keelikolani Building. All people inside Room 427 of the Keelikolani Building or waiting outside for a turn to testify must abide by social distancing guidelines and thus maintain six feet of distance between themselves and others and wear face coverings. The public hearing will be continued, if necessary, to a time, date, and place announced at the scheduled public hearing. Interested persons may also submit written data, views, arguments, comments, and objections concerning the proposed amendments to HIOSH, 830 Punchbowl Street, Room 425, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813, by fax to (808) 586-9104, or by electronic mail at All written submissions for the record must be received at or prior to the scheduled public hearing. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request. Call HIOSH at (808) 586-9116 (voice), or dial 711 and then ask for (808) 586-9116. A request for reasonable accommodations should be made no later than ten (10) working days prior to the scheduled public hearing. ANNE E. PERREIRA-EUSTAQUIO Director of Labor and Industrial Relations (HTH1296911 9/28/20)