Hawaii Tribune-Herald


Feb 28(61.) STATE OF HAWAII IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD CIRCUIT FC-G No. 22-1-0005 In the Matter of the Guardianship of the DOE Children: a Male Child, born on December 28, 2018; a Male Child, born on December 28, 2018 to Quantrile Kapiolani France. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: QUANTRILE KAPIOLANI FRANCE ARTHUR KAMAKA KEAWE AWEAU Mother Legal Father YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a hearing with respect to the above-identified matters has been set in the above-entitled proceeding and will be held in the Family Court of the Third Circuit, Hale Kaulike, 777 Kilauea Avenue, Third Floor, Hilo, Hawaii (...) (End Date: Mar 14) (p7)
Feb 21(62.) STATE OF HAWAII IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD CIRCUIT FC-S No. 21-0105 In the Interest of a Male Child, born on February 25, 2018 to Marlene Akana. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: MARLENE AKANA UNKNOWN NATURAL FATHER Mother FC-S No. 21-0102 In the Interest of a Male Child, born on October 18, 2004 to Marlene Akana. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: MARLENE AKANA ISAAC HIGA Mother Alleged Natural Father UNKNOWN NATURAL FATHER FC-S No. 21-0103 In the Interest of a Male Child, born on December 6, 2005 to Marlene Akana. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: MARLENE AKANA RUDY (...) (End Date: Mar 14) (p7)
Jan 17(63.) STATE OF HAWAII IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD CIRCUIT FC-S No. 21-0020 In the Interest of a Female Child, born on March 24, 2021 to Kayla Ann Arellano. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: UNKNOWN NATURAL FATHER FC-S No. 21-0112 In the Interest of a Female Child, born on May 10, 2008 to Kristine Pali. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: KRISTINE PALI Mother FC-S No. 21-0101 In the Interest of a Female Child, born on December 1, 2021 to Camille Rodrigues. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: CAMILLE RODRIGUES ALEXANDER LUCAS Mother Alleged Natural Father UNKNOWN NATURAL FATHER FC-S No. (...) (End Date: Feb 7) (p7)
Dec 20(64.) STATE OF HAWAII IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD CIRCUIT FC-S No. 21-0093 In the Interest of a Female Child, born on August 6, 2009 to Manaolanalani Benford. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: MANAOLANALANI BENFORD Mother FC-S No. 21-0089 In the Interest of a Female Child, born on October 23, 2021 to Sarah Cain. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: EDWARD FRANKIE CLARK UNKNOWN NATURAL FATHER a.k.a. SKY Alleged Natural Father FC-S No. 21-0092 In the Interest of a Male Child, born on May 21, 2005 to Manaolanalani Benford. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: MANAOLANALANI BENFORD KAWIKA OLLERO, SR. Mother (...) (End Date: Jan 10) (p7)
Dec 13(65.) THIRD CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE P. No. 3CLP-21-397 ESTATE OF TSUTOMUICHI HAYASHI, DECEASED All persons interested in the above estate are hereby notified that on Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 8:00 a.m., the Judge presiding in probate, in his courtroom, at Hale Kaulike, 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii, will hear all matters concerning the administration and distribution of said estate. All creditors of said estate are hereby directed to present their duly verified claims within sixty days from the date of this notice to the Chief Clerk of the Court, 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii, or they will be forever barred. (...) (End Date: Dec 13) (p7)
Dec 7(66.) THIRD CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE P. No. 3CLP-21-388 ESTATE OF KANAME SHITARA, DECEASED All persons interested in the above estate are hereby notified that on Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 8:00 a.m., the Judge presiding in probate, in his courtroom, at Hale Kaulike, 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii, will hear all matters concerning the administration and distribution of said estate. All creditors of said estate are hereby directed to present their duly verified claims within sixty days from the date of this notice to the Chief Clerk of the Court, 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii, or they will be forever barred. (...) (End Date: Dec 7) (p7)
Dec 1(67.) THIRD CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE P. No. 3CLP-21-381 ESTATE OF ELIZABETH LEWIS, AKA ELIZABETH ANN LEWIS, DECEASED All persons interested in the above estate are hereby notified that on Thursday, February 10, 2021 at 8:00 a.m., the Judge presiding in probate, in his courtroom, at Hale Kaulike, 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii, will hear all matters concerning the administration and distribution of said estate. All creditors of said estate are hereby directed to present their duly verified claims within sixty days from the date of this notice to the Chief Clerk of the Court, 777 Kilauea Avenue, Hilo, Hawaii, or they (...) (End Date: Dec 1) (p7)
Nov 22(68.) STATE OF HAWAII IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD CIRCUIT FC-S No. 21-0075 In the Interest of a Male Child, born on July 28, 2004 to Julie Garcia, aka Julia Garcia. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: JULIE GARCIA aka JULIA GARCIA Mother FC-S No. 21-0073 In the Interest of a Female Child, born on October 26, 2004 to Alexis Brickwood. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: ALEXIS BRICKWOOD UNKNOWN NATURAL FATHER Mother FC-S No. 21-0074 In the Interest of the DOE Children: a Male Child, born on December 30, 2008; a Male Child, born on May 26, 2010; and a (...) (End Date: Dec 13) (p7)
Oct 18(69.) STATE OF HAWAII IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD CIRCUIT FC-S No. 21-0068 In the Interest of a Male Child, born on June 26, 2016 to Suzanne Aina. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: TYSON MATTHEWS-MOLCILIO UNKNOWN NATURAL FATHER Alleged Natural Father FC-S No. 21-0020 In the Interest of a Female Child, born on March 21, 2021 to Kayla Ann Arellano. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: UNKNOWN NATURAL FATHER FC-S No. 21-0071 In the Interest of a Female Child, born on September 11, 2021 to Malia Mahaulu. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: MALIA MAHAULU GARY J. CASTRO Mother Alleged Natural (...) (End Date: Nov 8) (p7)
Oct 4(70.) STATE OF HAWAII IN THE FAMILY COURT OF THE THIRD CIRCUIT FC-G No. 21-1-0047 In the Matter of the Guardianship of the DOE Children: a Male Child, born on September 20, 2008; a Male Child, born on August 23, 2010 to Linda Keahi Kamahele. THE STATE OF HAWAII: TO: LINDA KEAHI KAMAHELE Mother YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a hearing with respect to the above-identified matters has been set in the above-entitled proceeding and will be held in the Family Court of the Third Circuit, Hale Kaulike, 777 Kilauea Avenue, Third Floor, Hilo, Hawaii 96720, on Friday, November 5, 2021 (...) (End Date: Oct 18) (p7)
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